How Can My Audience Use My Voice App?

Amazon Alexa Smart Speakers


To use an Alexa Skill, it needs to be enabled first.  To enable the Skill, successfully perform one of the following:

Option 1) Say the following to your Amazon Alexa "Alexa, Enable [Create My Voice]"

Option 2) Open the Amazon Alexa App on your Phone.  Select the 3 bars in the upper left corner, then "Skills & Games".  Use the magnifying glass to search for [Create My Voice].  Select the Skill and tap the "Enable to Use" button. 

Easy Start

 "Alexa, Start [Create My Voice]"

or "Alexa, Open [Create My Voice]" or "Alexa, Play [Create My Voice]"

Directly Read Latest

"Alexa, Ask [Create My Voice] to read the latest blog post"

"Alexa, Ask [Create My Voice] to play the latest episode"

Find Posts or Episodes

 "Alexa, Ask [Create My Voice] to search for [technology]"

Learn about [Create My Voice] blog

"Alexa, Ask [Create My Voice] to tell me about the blog" 

Hear a message from [Chip]

"Alexa, Ask [Create My Voice] for a message from Chip"


Google Assistant

Easy Start

 "Alexa, Talk to [Create My Voice]"

Directly Read Latest

"Alexa, Ask [Create My Voice] to read the latest blog post"

"Alexa, Ask [Create My Voice] to play the latest episode"

Find Posts or Episodes

 "Alexa, Ask [Create My Voice] to search for [technology]"

Learn about [Create My Voice] blog

"Alexa, Ask [Create My Voice] to tell me about the blog" 

Hear a message from [Chip]

"Alexa, Ask [Create My Voice] for a message from Chip"