Smart Speakers are a new medium to reach your audience! Telling your listeners to find a podcast player and subscribe to your podcast is a thing of the past, now anyone can "just ask" for your podcast. Your listeners will have complete freedom to verbally ask for your podcast while they are driving, exercising, doing household chores, etc. 

Our Podcast Package will guide your listeners through all of your podcast episodes. 

As a bonus, you can easily direct listeners to previous episodes.  Now you can tell your listeners to just ask for a past episode (ex. "Alexa play [podcast name] episode 12").  Now when you reference a previous episode, it is easy for your listeners to hear it.

By signing up for our Podcast Package, we will register your verbal domain name (called an Invocation Name) and create a custom Voice App connected to your content. Registering your Invocation Name is how your users find you on their Voice Assistants.  Find more about your Verbal Brand here and about securing your Invocation Name here.

Be found on Alexa and Google. Sign-up for the Podcast Package today!