(Reading time: 2 - 3 minutes)
Voice Notes
Hits: 1751

If you bought a smart speaker, how might you use it? I'd have to say that in our home our smart speaker's capabilities are underused. It is mainly used to keep an ongoing grocery list, set timers, and listen to podcasts and music. The grocery list is magic though. It shows up on the matching app on my phone, so I have it when I get to the store.

(Reading time: 1 - 2 minutes)
Voice Notes
Hits: 2821

So what exactly is a smart speaker? I love this quote from Kashia Kabir from WhatHiFi: "Basically, if you can shout commands at your wireless speaker to make it do things, it's a smart speaker."  That's the fun definition. A more practical definition might be this: A smart speaker is a stand-alone speaker that responds to voice commands.

(Reading time: 1 - 2 minutes)
Voice Notes
Hits: 1918

Your mom needs an Alexa. She needs one whether she is a busy lady who is always on the go, or whether she is at home and struggles with daily tasks.  Alexa will make her life better and here are 5 reasons why.


(Reading time: 1 - 2 minutes)
Voice Notes
Hits: 2374

Here is an Edgar Allen Poe raven type warning. Voice technology is coming, and it is coming for your followers. As voice technology becomes more popular, your current audience will be using it instead of going to their screens to get content. And by voice technology, I don't just mean Smart Speakers. Voice technology is available in everything from our phones to our refrigerators. It will soon become the dominant interface.

(Reading time: 1 - 2 minutes)
Voice Notes
Hits: 1675

I'm a big fan of voice technology. I think it's an awesome thing to put something on the shopping list by yelling from across the room. I love the potential voice technology has for helping our elderly stay independent. But here is what I don't like. And I really hope this doesn't sound too shallow. I don't enjoy the voices that smart speakers use. I find them unappealing. And I struggle with Alexa's missed intonations and lack of pause.